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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.The file size do not exceed 16 mb.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Font: Arial; 11pts; space 1.5pt; the same font type and size for table and diagram.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, i.e. APA (American Psychological Association) Style.
  • Paper format: A4.
  • Total words are not below 3.000 and do not exceed 6.000, include abstract, content, endnotes, and references/bibliography.
  • The numbers of table, picture, and diagram do not exceed ten.
  • The number of references is at least twenty and does not exceed fifty.
  • Research assistant is used, such as mendeley, zotero, endnote, or others.
  • No plagiarism detected. Similarity do not exceed 20 percent.
  • The article is an outcome of a research in the respective field of the author, most preferably the one conducted in relevant and up-to-date method, qualitative or quantitative approach is recommended.
  • If the paper is a joint research, the placement of names of the authors must be approved by each author and based on actual contribution of the authors. Each one of them is fully responsible for the content of the paper.
  • Each author must put out the name and physical address of their affiliation and their own e-mail address.
  • Abstract must always be written in two languages: Indonesian and English. Total words for abstract must be between 200-300 words.
  • The references consist of 80% scientific journal references and 20% other references.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama Katolik is a research based journal, published by a scientific professional association for Catholic Religion Education, which is Perhimpunan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Katolik Indonesia (PERPETAKI). The editorial boards of this journal consists of members from more than six provinces in Indonesia. The reviewers derive from several academic institutions in Indonesia and other countries.


Paper is written whether in Indonesian or English in this format:

  1. in accordance with article template;
  2. consists of 3.000-6.000 words including abstract, content, endnotes and references.
  3. number of tables, pictures and diagrams does not exceed ten;
  4. number of references are at least twenty and does not exceed fifty with composition 80% from scientific journal and 20% from other types of references;
  5. citation style: APA; it is obligatory to use one of the research assistants, such as: mendeley, zotero or endnote;
  6. uploaded to the OJS in .doc or .docs with file size under 16 mb.

Paper has never been published in other media or site. Paper must pass plagiarism check. JPPAK uses TURNITIN as plagiarism checker application.

Paper should be a result of research, elaborated in recent research methodology, with quantitative or qualitative approach.

The order of name of the writers, if it is a collaborative work, must approved by each writer, according to their contributions. Each writer share the same and full responsibility in its content.

Each writer must shares the physical address of his/her institution and his/her email address.

Abstract must be written in two languages: Indonesian and English, written in 200-300 words.

Stages of Editing:

  1. Early screening by the editorial board: papers that do not meet the author guidelines will be returned to its respected author. In this early screening, the papers will be checked for plagiarism. Papers that show traces of plagiarism will be returned immediately and the author(s) will be banned to submit their paper for three years.
  2. Paper that meets the requirements will be passed on to the reviewers.
  3. Paper that passes the reviewing process will be checked by the proofreader for typos.
  4. The next stage is lay-out design.
  5. The final revision must be approved by Editor-in-Chief or his/her legal representatives.
  6. Reviewing process follows the double blinded style. Reviewers must not come from the editorial boards.


Scope. The scope of this journal is Education with subscope Catholic Religion Education. This journal is not anthology. All published papers must be within this scope. However, the writers are encouraged to dwelve into more profound contexts, such as pastoral, biblical interpretation, codex iuris canonici, liturgical impacts, et cetera, but all still within the scope of Catholic Religion education.

Aspiration and vision. This journal is a fruit of cooperation from numerous institution from all of Indonesia and beyond, published online to be accessed internationally. This is an open access journal to support the development of science in Catholic Religion education. Each paper can be read and downloaded free of charge in accordance with copyright license of Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International.

Pioneership and originality. The nature of this journal is research. There must be novelty in each paper. The authors can explore to bring novelty in research object, approaches, methods or finding in accordance with their fields.

Contribution in developing science. Each research should aim at productivity, which means having positive impact(s) in developing science and solving problems.

Scientific impact. The scientific impact can be measured according to number of citations made, h-index and acknowledgment from international journal indexer institution. The impact factor can be traced from sites, such as: scimago, SINTA and google scholar.

References. The ratio of primary sources must exceed 50% of the whole references. The references from recent academic papers from scientific journals must exceed 80% from the whole references used in the paper. The sources must not exceed ten years old, except for classic documents and treatises, such as Church documents, classic philosophical and theological works, et cetera. Self-citation is extremely disregarded.

Nihil obstat. Research paper with substantial ethics consequences must obtain nihil obstat from Magisterium of the Church.



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