Kebangkitan Yesus Menurut Injil Lukas 24:1-49 dan Implikasinya Bagi Gereja Masa Kin


  • Hironimus Resi STP- IPI Malang, Jln. Seruni No.6, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Teresia Noiman Derung STP- IPI Malang, Jln. Seruni No.6, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia



The Church Today, Implication, The resurrection of Jesus, Luke 24:1-49


The resurrection of Jesus holds significant importance for
Christians, as it represents his triumph over sin, death, and
darkness, offering the promise of eternal life to believers. This
event is central to the Christian faith, symbolizing the
transformative power it holds. While the Church is tasked with
carrying out its five pillars, many struggle to grasp and apply
these responsibilities in the modern world. This article delves
into the meaning of Jesus' resurrection, as described in Luke
24:1-49, and its relevance for the Church today. Utilizing a
qualitative approach with a literature study, the findings reveal
that Jesus' resurrection is characterized by an empty tomb
and his repeated appearances to the disciples. The
resurrection signifies the Church's mission to proclaim this
event, transcend spiritual existence into eternity, and demand
faithfulness in God. The implications of Jesus' resurrection for
the Church today can be fulfilled through the five tasks of the
Church: communion or koinonia, ministry or diakonia,
preaching or kerygma, sanctification or liturgia, and witness or
martyria. Demonstrating faithfulness in these duties serves as
a testament to the proclamation of Jesus' resurrection.








How to Cite

Hironimus Resi, & Teresia Noiman Derung. (2024). Kebangkitan Yesus Menurut Injil Lukas 24:1-49 dan Implikasinya Bagi Gereja Masa Kin. Research Journal of Catholic Religion Education, 4(1), 35-53.